India Celebrating it's 60th Year of Independence - Collection of logo's displayed on various website on 15th Augus 2007 to remark Independence Day Celebration

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Jai Hind

Aug. 15, 1947 : Mountbatten swears Nehru in as Prime Minister of India

TRAIN TO PAKISTAN ; India 1947. Trains packed with refugees - Hindus and Sikhs headed for India , and Muslims headed for Pakistan - were convenient targets for gangs of killers on both sides of the border. Inadequately protected 'Refugee Specials' were typically stopped, and the occupants butchered, several times in the course of the journey.

The dead - Punjab , 1947

1971: Indira Gandhi reviews the troops, in the context of militaryand diplomatic preparations for the Bangladesh War.

Ghandhiji Addressing people.

Direct Action Day: Calcutta , Aug.16, 1946.